Hi, I’m Laura!
I enjoy eating healthy, delicious food with family and friends and having the energy to be able to keep up with my busy, growing family. I no longer experience the frustration of “looking” at the wrong food and gaining weight.
But my life didn’t start out that way!
I know what it’s like to be frustrated with your weight.
I have struggled with my weight most of my life. I was super skinny as a little kid and then in upper elementary, my mom commented that my growth always went “out, and then up.” When I stopped growing taller when I was about 12, the weight just stayed on.
Then came the well-meaning relatives and friends who either implied or flat out told me I was fat and told me to just eat less and exercise more.
I slimmed down when I was 16 when I had surgery to remove my tonsils. I couldn’t eat, so the weight came off and it came off FAST. I slimmed down almost too far when I was 18 and decided to go vegetarian after dissecting a cat in biology class and seeing how similar that was to meat.
After getting over the no meat thing, I stayed at a healthy weight through my college years and then when I got married, quickly put on 50 lbs when I started taking birth control pills. I could not lose weight no matter what I did, while I was taking that medication.
When my military husband was deployed overseas, I got off the birth control pills and was able to get down to my college weight. Also, because I was off birth control pills, I became pregnant with my first child when I went to go visit my husband. I quickly gained 10 lbs that first month.
I will be the first to admit that my diet was terrible with my first child. I believed that I could eat whatever I wanted because I was pregnant. I ate brownies for breakfast and fast food frequently because I didn’t really know how to cook and had a lot of cravings. I easily gained the entire 50 lbs that I had lost. I ended up with gestational diabetes halfway through my first pregnancy. The only way I could control my blood sugar was by strictly watching my diet and going for a 15-30 minute walk after EVERY meal.
Thus continued my education in the standard, frustrating way taught to lose weight: calorie counting, AKA eat less, exercise more.
When my husband was deployed overseas again and I was no longer breastfeeding our oldest, I was able to lose the weight by following a diet program that delivered individual meals to my home. The things I learned while following this program were the start of some of my biggest health problems.
I thought I was learning a healthy way to eat, but the soy protein really messed with my hormone levels.
When my 2nd child was born, the stress of a baby with colic contributed to not being able to lose any of the weight I gained with the 2nd pregnancy. I was so tired! I didn’t feel like I was capable of achieving a healthy weight.
After my 3rd child was born, I suffered several miscarriages. Working with my doctor helped me to find that I had issues with my estrogen and progesterone levels, brought on by eating far too much soy. My doctor prescribed me with progesterone supplements to help maintain the pregnancy that gave us our 4th child.
Unfortunately, progesterone shots destroyed my muscle tone. I ended up with a heart condition and the muscle tone that I had build up in the years between my 3rd and 4th children was quickly destroyed.
After my 4th child was born, I was the heaviest I have ever been in my life.
It was this time in my life that I knew there had to be more than the traditional knowledge about diet and exercise for health. “Healthy” foods like soy were not healthy for me.
I learned an enormous amount about food and how food affects your health.
I also started to learn how to cook because I wanted to be successful with losing weight and be able to maintain that loss. I wanted to be able to teach my children how to cook so they would have the skills they need to be healthy.
Getting my weight under control and figuring out how to feed my body to nourish myself put an end to the miscarriages. My husband and I now have 7 children.
I use what I learned to keep my body weight under control, even while keeping up with a very busy household.
I’m telling you this because I want you to understand…
If you feel frustrated and alone because well-meaning family members, personal trainers, and doctors tell you to eat less and exercise more and that just isn’t working for you, there is a better way.
I’d love to help you learn what I have learned and so you can stop battling with the scale.
And that’s exactly what {your offer} is all about.
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